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Galina Ivleva

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Galina Ivleva
Contact-center specialist
Galina priderzhivayetsya zhiznennogo printsipa: «Lyubi zhizn', i ona obyazatel'no tebe ulybnetsya». Eti slova vdokhnovlyayut yeye iskrenne tsenit' okruzhayushchiy mir. Seychas Galina obuchayetsya na tret'yem kurse Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Prosveshcheniya. Yeye predydushchiy opyt raboty v restorannoy sfere stal vazhnym etapom: ona nauchilas' byt' boleye uverennoy, otkrytoy i kommunikabel'noy, legko preodolevat' vykhod iz zony komforta. V svobodnoye vremya Galina lyubit uyedineniye i domashniy uyut, kotoryy pomogayet vosstanovit' sily. Sredi yeye glavnykh kachestv — otvetstvennost', dobrozhelatel'nost' i ispolnitel'nost'. Sem'ya dlya neye — glavnaya tsennost' i istochnik vdokhnoveniya. Galina mechtayet zhit' napolnennoy i osmyslennoy zhizn'yu, ostavit' svoy sled i prinesti chto-to khorosheye v etot mir. Ещё 750 / 5 000 Galina adheres to the life principle: "Love life, and it will definitely smile at you." These words inspire her to sincerely appreciate the world around her. Galina is currently a third-year student at the State University of Education. Her previous experience in the restaurant industry has become an important stage: she has learned to be more confident, open and sociable, and to easily overcome the exit from her comfort zone. In her free time, Galina loves solitude and home comfort, which helps to restore strength. Among her main qualities are responsibility, goodwill and efficiency. Family is the main value for her and a source of inspiration. Galina dreams of living a fulfilled and meaningful life, leaving her mark and bringing something good to this world.
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